What is Name, Naam, and the Namana, and all that
Indians call that it is not the Lord, but in His Name all things are
possible. As in the west, we say "In the Name of Lord, we pray! Amen!"
and this is the Mool-mantra and the essence of entire knowledge and
wisdom present on any earth systems. There is nothing in any possible
universes that this waves and vibrations can be possible as the universe
is as if an egg and the name is the sperm, while all can sow the seed
that one day in the cosmic or light years create a universe of and for
an individual, and lot more in the light years.
It may fascinate
many people becoming universe, however, the problems that need serious
attention philosophically and thus metaphysically that one need to be
free from the virtual clouds of energy, the waves and vibrations that
creates the universes, stars, moons and the earth systems. All of the
universe systems and life in it is by the forms of energy and are
preserved by the law of conservation of energy. None has been able to
get out of this grip of energy, the shakti as its the electromagnetic
system that creates the mirage that we know as the maya, the problems of
perception, conception and that we know as the psychiatry problems in
the world.
A very noticeable point in the studies of the
universes, we in India assume that we have 7 heavens, the universes
above the earth system, the 7 universes are in parallel to the earth
systems, and the 7 universes are under the earth systems. Together these
are called the 3 Loka's, the Frame of References that none can
interfere and that is the set of universes as the goddess, the swarga
that corresponds with the swara, the divine vowels, and that are upper
to our earth systems are the First Loka for us, the people on earth and
the surrounding earth systems that are the among the 7 Universe having
human kind of life and that we usually call the Mrit Loka, the Maata
Loka, where both the swara, the divine vowels and akhar, the consonants,
the K-Om-sant's, what we say in India as against the OM, the Swara, the
Divine Vowel Sounds, and thus are the HAM, the Shakti kind of words,
and thus on the earth systems these combined the Shiv, the Swara, the
Divine Sounds, the Vowels, and that of the Shakti, the K-Omsant's means
the K-Not, Sononant's, but express the Vidya's or Shakti are prominent.
This explanation is based on the scripts and the syntax and may not be
exactly the same as we define in the present books.
Now, the
rest 7 universes that are under the 7 Maata Loka, the Universes that
human like life are called the 7 Universes less developed than us, and
life systems that we have in our 7 earth systems. These are the 3 Kinds
of Skies that have affect on one another, but there are still more
universes that we need try to understand as it does not have influence
on our 3 Loka, the Set 21 Universes. We call it the Naraka, the Human
Ending; the heads similar to humans, and thus have the Shakti as its
starting but end in the total matter, and thus are just as if the
products that may not have human forms, but something a little similar
to human appearances and thus a little resembles to animals and birds in
our earth systems. When we practice consonants that is not like OM, the
Divine Vowels and thus as if the tampered music, we may be
unconsciously supporting and developing the world that we say Seven
Universes under earth systems, which we know the Pataal Loka of the
Seven Universes. (With thanks from the Indian Mool, the Primitive
Scriptures of Shiv-Purana that describes it scientifically as Lord Shiva
deals there, and the point that we need to note and remember is that we
have 3 Loka Systems, 7 Universes and then 3 Layers in each universe,
and that creates the Universe with 3 Loka as well settled in a single
universe with 3 divisions of say Deva (Divine Vowels), Manava (Vowel and
Consonants or A-Khara),and Dainta Loka's (the A-Khara, and influence of
that makes our world as the A-khara, the Wrestlers playground is also
called the Akhara!). For understanding the boards spectrum of the divine
sounds of the vowels, we usually spread everything in infinite but
usually 7, 7, 7 universes, and that is a very very big thing!)
In any case!
Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism showed it to the people of
Baghdad in Iraq when questioned as he said that there are more than 7
The wonder in it is that if the powerful energy, the
shakti that is electromagnetic in nature and can create high illusion
and hallucinations of all kind as the collectively known maya, means as
if the subject "I" assumes that one can alter the conservation of energy
by this and that and thus vain efforts throughout the life as if one
has lived a life that has psychiatry problem that is not curable.
Wonders of the Universes is that this illusion of maya, the
psychological disorders and the set of all or any psychiatry problems
does not affect the kids who start to speak and till say age of 2, 3 ,
4, and and as long as they do not have influence of one advising them
see the world as shown by others, and thus the serpent has advised. The
child takes an apple and enjoys what one likes and dislikes. It gives no
relief and usually starts after 12 years of age in men and early in
women as this is hallucination and illusions due to body starting to use
the electromagnetic systems and its products as the hormones and the
overall glandular systems and thus one from the baal, the user of power
changes into the jawana, the "ja", the jeeva, the energy or shakti and
the "wana" that uses it and thus the "ja+wana", that is the jawana, the
The Indian Health and Wellness Scriptures has been
written in accordance with the complete knowledge and wisdom present in
the universe that one can access as in the say Ayurveda and that is
while living on earth.
Now, what is it that works as power and
rest as the shakti that none can win has been the wonder of and among
all wonders for humans!
We have set of sounds, the words that work as "yama" and the "liberators", that makes one free from the "yama"
"yama" is also spelled as "jama" in Punjabi and many other world
languages, and thus whatever is taken as food by energy, the shakti is
the "jama" or "yama", and it is not nothing but the combinations and
permutations of consonants. The bal, which is power that liberates one
from these excessive and heavy files uploaded files uploaded in the
brain need to extract all as scientifically and how humans have been a
wonder in the world.
The Indian Languages and its Sciences as the
Linguistic Systems describe it that all consonants has a structures as
for example, the letter, the consonant "c" is as "oca" and what and why
is simple. We open mouth first and say "O" then we create sound of "C"
and end it up with "A", the energy use that helps us to pronounce any
sound and word. So, the Indians have put it as for every consonant as
the set of say for "C"="OCHA" means we open mouth and that is saying
"O", and then we create the sound of the consonant that is as if just a
scalar. Then we need breathe and we collect it, "H" and we say H: or
Hah. Then we say the "A" attached to the sound as with "H". Well, then
we close our mouth producing the sound of "NM", the Namah, as just m,
the "M" ending as the sound of the mouth and the pause that ends or
terminates the single breathe.
So, we have not just said consonant "C", we have said it like this:
1. O
2. C
3. H
4. A
5. M
So, what is it:
"O (C) H A M"
Let us remove the "C" consonant, and what we have is like this:
"O H A M"
Yes, simply written as "OAM", and its "OM" with the computer programming structure as follows:
[OM] Body of Mantra=H...A...[/M]
In this format to understand better its something like say:
[OAM] H... A... [MAH]
starting of mouth opening and exhaling our breathe is mostly as OAM,
and when we close its usually the MAH, as we close the mouth with
breathe releasing from the nose after closing the mouth.
This is
creation of full mantra for just one consonant "C" and its true for all
consonants, but this is the structure of the "jama" or "yama". We need
free sounds and we call it the vowels, and the structure of vowels is
same as the consonants but it differs a lot at the same time:
we have "O" as the vowel, and we put it in the Mantra structure, well
do not worry, I may not call it Be Happy Philselfologically Mantra
Structure or Chart!
All right, we put it:
"O (O) H A M"
and we have what:
"O O H A M"
it has the power of "O" that it can liberate anything from any mantra
by giving away its "O" sound that is free, and no wonder in the "O C A H
M", the consonant "C" cannot have this power, the bal.
If we add both what we get:
"O C A H M" + "O O A H M"
That gives:
O O C A A H H M M" and more sounds are present in it that is always a
set of 16 sounds, but for ease, we may take the 4 major sounds, say "A E
O U", and the minor sound of "I" and thus the great set of "A E I O U"
what happened in the addition of the mantras is that the role of the
consonant "C" has diminished , but and how can we free it!
Well, we have just added "O", and let us add "A E I O U"
"O C H A M" + "A E I O U" with OM structure of all vowels as described above for "O" vowel, we have:
OOOOO C HHHHH AAAAA MMMMM" and it liberates the consonant "C", and are
mostly left with "O OOOOO HHHHH AAAAA MMMMM M" and that is deep breathe
taken and we feel relaxed!
Well, dogs yawn like this, and Indians
say when one yawns, the jama are released. So, what is it, we have
released the carbon dioxide and we know many people when doing mediation
keeping creating the yama liberating function of yawing. The word
"Yana" is for the airplane or vehicles that liberate!
In the
Indian scriptures, the vowels namely, the set of 16 vowels, are in the
Free State, and thus neither struck nor have friction that produces the
electric charging in excess. These Divine Vowels are thus the Anahat and
have great impact as the Anahad, and thus are the Free or the Mukat
Sounds helping in the process of salvation, and thus known as the
Mukta's in Punjabi means the Sounds of Salvation as are in the all world
languages and the grammars, and we say these emerge in the sounds
present in the living bodies, and the consonants, which are the Akshar,
the Akhar means that does not dissolve in the living bodies. The
"Kharna" is dissolving and as the consonants do not dissolve or emerge
into other Akhar, they are consider "never dis-solvable", and thus is
the word the "A-khar" in Punjabi and "A-kshra".
Now, we need to
focus on what is Nam, Nama, Nami, Namo, Namu, Namah, and all these words
convey, the "Namana" is dissolving, and initial stage of it is said as
"Nimna" means that enters into another thing and that process is the
best for solid, water, fire, and air for which we use the word "Namah",
the Namaskara, which means these 4 elements need salute and preserving
them as we say doing the Puja or Pooja, and for the Sound, the Atama,
its the vowels that reach there as the Atama reamins in the Abode of
Mukti, and absrobs only the Mukta Padartha, and that is the divine
vowels, the divine matter that can emerge into the Atama, which is a
divine matter as well.
Now, the Namana as verb of Nama is for
dissolving or emerging and the "Nama" is the dissolving agent, the
instrument as if the dissolving agent. For example, the word "Ram" is a
dissolving agent, and gives the Mukta Awastha, the Free State to the
Akhara, the Consonants. Thus, releases one from the grip of akhara as
none has been able to win or dissolve the akhara, the words that cannot
dissolve and thus are the consonants.
These constants and all
audio, video and other files are nothing but our reactive mind, which we
use in our daily life and we say:
"Mera Mann Ni Mannada!"
word "Mann" is simply the Cloud of Consonants as against the Mantras
(Mann Ka Tarna means Swimming of Virtual Cloud in the Human Body) that
help it swim means remain a healthy cloud that is like a Virtual Cloud
of Computing that has every possible thing in it, but it lacks the
Divine Vowels and thus always needs the Divine Guidance by Practicing
"A, E, I, O, U" and here we are left diluting our
Anti-dissolving center, the Mann that is the Head Quarter of the Yama,
the consonants. These consonants have the Garabha, the Womb and thus the
Hell that when gives pleasure is like Heaven and when pains, its Hell,
and we call it the Naraka, which is based on the Negative Effect Each
Consonant has on the Body and the Brain, and this is possible for anyone
to access to it both the Atheists and Theists access it alike, and when
we talk about the Grace and the Salvation of the Soul, we need Grace in
the Name of Lord and thus Lord, Thy God.
The Naam is dissolving
agent and it can be any set of vowels, and may have the consonants that
need to free itself from certain corrupt links, the links having virus
that produces diseases in the body and thus that we all have audio and
video files that are the Chitra-gupta, the Video, the Chitra and the
Gupta, the Audio files and thus the Chitra-gupta that records in the
brain 24 hours a day, 7 days, 52 weeks and as long as one lives.
we have discussed in this part of the series of Be Happy
Philselfologically that the Naman, the process of dissolving the audio,
the sound files as that of quality of space the shabada, the sound and
the Nama is the dissolving agent. And similarly, the Mannan is the
process of solution making means that is opposite to dissolving and thus
solving any problem. It is the Art of Solving Problem that we lack in
the world and thus the Mannan Shakti. This process occurs as the solving
has the solvent that we nowadays know as the Virtual Cloud and thus the
Virtual Solute, and the Indian Scriptures call it the Mann. It has the
Virtual Quality without which it cannot work and that is the Resistance
that it must have, and in India it is called the Aham, the Ahankara, and
thus the Ego of all that we have as solvent.
the Solution, the Mann, solute, the Maan, the Ego solvent, Rasa's the
Bhoga's and thus Tastes and the Moods and the Glands, the Centers of the
Rasa are nothing but what we call the Mann. It is the Set of Virtual
but Scientific Emotions that constitute as the Creative Intelligence and
thus our having it as our Mann, and all using it have higher ego and we
need to recognize as the need of self-respect. It has the corresponding
solvents, the agents in the process of solution and diluting the 5
major layers of it that are having the various resistances and the
highest constitutes the ego, ahankar, the lower to it is the moha an
attachment to the audio and video files that one wants to keep it as
its, the still lower resistance is the lobha, the desire to collect more
of liked and even the disliked audio and video files, and lower to it
is the zone or sphere of the krodha, the anger the set of action files
with audios and videos that one recollects and does the resembling
action and reactions when we say please have peace of mind and one
starts to beat us! lol
The last of all is the easy to go
resistance and that is the file works of audio and video files of human
desires and wishes that we know as the kama, and together with the set 5
networks of kama, krodha, lobha, moha and ahankara, the consonants have
what we know the Scientifically Virtual World that we know as the Mann,
and none can control it without what:
"A, E, I, O, U", and just a
little correction in the English Grammars can make a big difference in
the human civilizations as we say in the Punjabi that we have An before
all words that start with O, A, E, and rest is a story as told by Mr.
Nachhtar Singh Ji, our English Teacher of English in 9th Grade in 1984
taught us as he says remember the Punjabi Vowels of O, A, E and put An
to all when these vowels represent any word of English Languages.
Thus, the English Grammars need to have the following as the 6 Divine Vowels:
AA, Ee, I, O, U" that means to say as: "AA EE OO" or "A AA E EE O OO",
and this is the easiest possible way to describe vowels in English and
other western languages, and thus the Set of Six Divine Vowels: "A AA E
A Little Explanation of "A AA E EE O OO", the Set of Six Divine Vowels:
as in Any Word and thus the Silent A in All Vowels and the Consonants,
and we know without A we cannot speak any word in the world, the AA is
as we notice in say Apple, Art, and Aunt, and the Ee is as in any sound
that uses E as word but not the syllable, and thus not the phonetics but
the word only, and when we use E as vowel its as is Beans and not the
same as its a word say as in the Elephant, and next O as word differs
from O as vowel, and thus its a Set of Six Divine Sounds not the 5
sounds that lack A as a Word and thus essence of all Vedas!"
I many not have been able to say and convey exactly right thing in what
is a foreign language to me as a Punjabi and Hindi person because
English has been my Third Language and at most the Second Language as
the ESL. I have studied ESL for one full year in 1989 in the Muirden
Schools and Colleges in Adelaide, South Australia.
When we use the same vowels for the gamut, we have it as:
"O: Om Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni S: Sah"
"OM Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sah Namah" with its IPA points of speech as
the same for sounds of vowels and thus the musical sounds. The IPA Chart
for Vowels is same as the Sargam, and with little help as usually we
need when the original and highest levels of works remain with less
access, we see more struggle and suffering in the world that we now need
to put some welfare of the world populations rather than hoping
everything as patent to some and other strive for proper information and
guidance as we know nothing about how world runs, how governing bodies
really work and what is the exact future of the world as worldwide
imperialism has handicapped us genetically! So, we offer free courses,
degrees and RMP Licenses from say UN University of Peace.
point of great importance is that the solvents, solute and the
solutions, and the dissolving agents, the dis-solvents, dissolution
process and thus the entire process of solutions and its dissolution
process constitutes the essentials of all world therapies, medicines,
drugs, holistic and integrated world and all that we know as the
Ayurveda and MDT, Multiple Drug Therapies that without the knowledge of
the Divine Vowels, Music and Reiki may not provide full success in any
healing process. The other noticeable point is that it applies to
Organic Farming, and the rest of the world to which any therapy depends
and no wonder we have more than 300 successful therapies along with
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Vision for the Rich Only, yes, the Allopathy,
and so no wonder MDT is a needed everywhere now and thus is the Thesis
of Philselfology and I have done PhD (AM) in this topic as Multiple
Counseling for Drugless Therapies and Multiple Drug Therapies, the MDT
in 2005!
see Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism told that "Waheguru"
and thus the Divine Vowels as we have discussed it as the "Set of 16
Divine Vowels" has always helped the universe, and the great Philosopher
of Sikhism, Bhai Gurdas Ji has said that the word and sound of
"Waheguru" helps in removal of what is the maximum non-dissolving state
of mind, the brain and that is the ego, ahankara. He says:
"Waheguru Gur-mantar Hai Jap Haumai Khoyi" (Bhai Gurdas Ji)
is the Teacher's Mantra that Dissolves the Hard Anti-dissolving Element
of Ego, the Resistance in the Brain, Body and Mind" (Bhai Gurdas Ji!)
And this is what: "A, E, I, O, U" with 16 sounds as "Waheguru"
the grammatical patterns of "Nama" as the Free, the Divine Vowels
remove the very heavy and files having virus of non-dissolving agents
from our body and brains, and thus sound, the shabada emerges the sound,
the shabada.
If we keep adding the audio files that have
tampered music and excessive consonants used in the songs, sounds and
discussions, we hear, we upload not just heavy files, but corrupt files
that may cause the brain and body deaths of all humans. We need to use
the divine 16 vowels to heal all humans, animals, birds, plants, trees,
soils and that is not visible. It is not just the sound therapies that
we are discussing in this part of the Be Happy Philselfologically as the
Philselfology of A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as
Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically - 47 We all use the Mantras in
everything we speak and every word said is a mantra, and if we do not
learn languages we speak in the Mukta (Free that can Liberate too as we
say the Paras), the Divine Vowels way, we may be heading towards brain
deaths and so many other diseases that we regret only, so please pray
using the divine vowels:
"A, E, I, O, U"
I have treated
the people with very poor mental health say as the Parkinson, and that
it helps in cure any possible patients using the "divine vowel systems"
as not just the set of 16 sounds of the vowels, but additionally the
mantras that are very rich in the vowel orientations, but nothing seemed
superior to the vowels and what it can create as the sounds that care
and cure. The mantras that have the consonants in it may not cure many
modern diseases, and please be sure that I am not joking in this very
serious phase of global health degeneration's in all possible forms of
life and that we seem to have emerged into the formations of undefined
bio-products, which are like a serious virus and a threat to any kind of
life, and in the name of knowing the secrets of life, we must stop any
experiment on the brains as nothing seems working in the positive
direction while all mantras have almost failed in the degenerating
destruction of life on the earth systems. So, the 16 divine sounds are
not my personal production, and but its the most healing thing that we
always have, and if we want to act as if kids, we may be insulting and
abusing the kids as if a knife in the hands of kid!
We can make a difference by without being a different kind of person:
vowels, which are divine producing the beams of EM that produces aura's
in the bodies, and on the face's of the practitioners are because of
the presence of the sound, the shabad in the word, which is free as thus
makes one free, the liberated at the sound levels. When these divine
vowels keep adding in the say human body, one attains the qualities,
merit and tales as we say gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Devi's, the
Sarasvait's gifts and thus the devian's and the divine gifts.
who yawns maximum are the kids when we say and sing "A E I O U" to them
in any format, and they sleep in the classrooms after yawing! Moral:
Please give them glass of water with some sugar and or salt in it!
human civilization stagnates when we keep collecting the "yama" or the
"jama" and do nothing to liberate them, and thus the "Naam Japna", the
use of vowels to liberate the consonants stored in our body and brain!
The Eternal names used in it are the OAM, ONKAR, and but
above all is with which all kids meditate and see visions and have
future dreams and say the most mysterious knowledge coming to them
directly from the universe as they say and chant the set of vowels, the
muharani and that is so simple:
"A E I O U"
Why Laughter is the OM Mantra:
and the laughter is greater than any ordinary mantra:
"OH H A A H A A H A A M..."
And thus liberates us from many yama's, the jama's!
most of modern world leaders, politicians, officials, and so many
others on any high or low posts, and the educated people, and most of
the grown ups seem sick as if the "yama", the "jama", the forces and
armies of the antichrist have captured them from the neck as if the
brain and mind controlling systems is simply they are no longer kids
"A E I O U", and when we advice "Naam Japte Raho", they feel sick!
chant and practice the 16 sounds of vowels and get it from the experts
as mothers teach it the first and the best get guidance and counseling
from them and please be a child again to enjoy life on our earth meeting
the child within that wants to have rooh ki khorak, the food of the
soul, yes chanting of any grammatical mantras, but the vowels alone
create the "naam", the "name", which is superior to all present mantras
in our known universe.
We may help all by reciting, chanting and
singing as the kirtan have it most in the alaap, and the modern easy
skill of "dhaarna" in which we have some freely used vowels say:
"Piayre Ji Meri Pati Utte Ram Likh De"
"O My Dear and Beloved, Please Write Down Ram On My Slate"
these names and sounds say with set of 16 vowels and the 5 major ones
as A, E, I, O, U associated with the names say Lord Rama as Ram, Ram(a),
Ram(e), Ram(i), Ram(u), Ram(o), and all others helping in learning the
essentials of world of grammars present in the world may it be of any
language as its same as Math and Music, and are sets of vowels that help
in the health and wellness. It has math in it and surely and similarly
has the musical knowledge and wisdom enabling it the part of entire
natural world as when we sing, the plants, birds, animals, and humans
can understand and feel, and thank one for it as they too smile! No
wonder all the kids know it without our teaching them and when we
educate, we need to take of care of the essentials of education and
learning, and the kids know the rest as they meditate; "A, E, I, O, U";
they sing, paint and count, but we the elders need to keep it up!
The next essential part as due to the length of the blog post is:
Purpose of Vedas as Indians Purpose for the Scientific World Civilizations: Be Happy Philselfologically - 48
Now, this is an excerpt without videos from the main article: Philselfology of A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically - 47
Thanks for your time and please Be happy Philselfologically!