“We're going to a trip to jungle, isn't an adventure?” he asks his elder sister.
“What adventure is in it the jungles are just jungles?” she replies.
“You are in grade 7, when you were in grade 3, didn't you went to the trip to the jungle, have you forgotten it” he asks.
“No, I enjoyed it, well going to the jungles seems good for children only, isn't it?” she ask.
“Can you enjoy the jungle books, I mean books on the jungles?” he asks.
“Yaw, I like it I enjoy to see wildlife on TV, it's so beautiful, isn't it?” he says.
“When you can enjoy it on TV, how is it possible that you cannot do while enjoying it in real experience?” he asks.
“What do mean by real experience?” she asks.
“Can you enjoy dogs, cats and other animals in the portraits, pictures, TV and in other animation movies?” he asks.
“Yaw, I enjoy it, it's very gorgeous, isn't it?” she says.
“Isn't it really gorgeous, when you play with our dog and cat? Shouldn't we leave it in the jungles?” he says.
“Sometimes, you just get crazy, I like jungles and know that it's very beautiful, but I never get time out of my studies, so I just said it, why do you take everything for granted?” she replies.
“I don't agree,” he says.
“What do you mean that you don't agree?” she asks.
“You have time to see TV, talk on mobile, go to play and do so many other things, how comes that you don't have time to go to the jungles?” he asks.
“OK, I'll go to the jungles with you all of you, I know that you enjoy both your studies and other things, I just wonder why we grow up. I wish I could have lesser home work and more time to enjoy,” she says.
“You can enjoy, you just feel you are grown up, don't bother so much about your big body, just feel as if you act like a kid when see children’s movie,” he says.
“You… I'm not talking about big bodies, I am saying grown up, can't you understand it?” she says.
“You're just a kid you know, if you just look at your big body, even the small babies look big like you, isn't it?” he says.
“Are you monkey? What do you mean the small babies look like me?” she says.
“If we were elephant’s kids only then it could happen,” he says.
“If we were rat’s kid then?” she asks.
“Then we would be like tails of the elephants, isn't it?” he says.
“O My God, what makes you think of elephant so much?” she asks.
“I like the way it walks and takes bath, I like elephants as you like dogs, and you know the elephant does not bark like a dog. Isn't it?” he says.
“It doesn't have mouth like dog, so it can't bark, it gives a very good smile, isn't it?” she says.
“I always wonder to see it smiling, do you also wonder?” he says.
“I've never seen it smiling, when did you see it smiling?” she asks.
“You say you are grown up, but you know nothing, it always shows its two teeth,
I laugh to see it, I don't know why it keeps on laughing all the times,” he says.
“It's same as dog, it barks all the time, isn't it?” she says.
“Yaw, it barks and wastes so much energy that its tail is always bent and the elephants laughs so much that can't hide its teeth, they're similar, isn't it?” he says.
“Yaw, do you know why the dog barks at the elephant?” she asks.
“Yaw, I know it, my granny says that the elephant laughs too much and the dog believes that it is laughing at its bent tail, so it barks at it. Therefore, whenever the dog and elephant meet, they can't talk, one keeps laughing and the other keeps barking. She says that elephant doesn't bother about dog’s barking, as the dogs are good friends, they just bark to tell the elephant that always laughing isn't good. Therefore, the elephants become serious when the dogs bark, isn't?” he says.
“Yaw, the elephant gets serious because it always bothers about balancing the weight it keeps,” she replies.
“Why are you making fun of its weight? It just want to enjoy the bath and sand bath it takes, the dogs just digs it for the elephants so that it can take the bath. It barks because it tells the elephant not to enjoy the bath that way as the sand and mud bath is also important like sunbath, isn't it?” He says.
“Yaw, all animals are good friends when there are laughing elephants and barking dogs in the jungle, isn't it?” she smiles.
“Yaw, you're right, we'll go to see the laughing elephants like Dolphins, thanks for going with us, good night and have nice dreams,” he says.
“Good night, always keep smiling,” she says.
“All right, we'll ask the elephant how to laugh always as well,” he replies.
She smiles and recalls the trip, when she went to the see the jungles first time, while enjoying every moment.
Let us pause and think about the wildlife and our pets:
Are not we great that we have natural gardens grown in jungles?
Is not is Mother Nature’s pets enjoying her caring in the jungles?
Is not it beautiful to see hear and read stories about kingdom of animals in the jungle, from others and especially granny?
Is not it blissful when we observe the natural life glorifying itself in the jungles and other natural places like zoo, parks, etc.?
Is not it wonderful that elephant always laughs?